Highview Residences and Inspirit Residences, located in London and Kitchener, Ontario, provide care and support for elderly clients in a home style setting. Care levels vary from minimal support to dementia care. The main goal is to promote independent living in a safe and caring manner. A newer client to HR Systems Strategies with 110 employees, Highview purchased info:HR in May of 2017 with the sole purpose of tracking and recording required training for their employees. Jean Grasby, CFO, had used the system at a previous organization and when the need arose for a system to track employee data she called on HR Systems Strategies, remembering the functionality of the system.
The implementation of the system was assigned to Suzanne Sharp, Administrative Assistant to the CEO and CFO. Suzanne had not been part of the purchase process so she had never seen info:HR prior to her first training. During the initial training session it was clear to Suzanne the system was capable of so much more than just recording employee training records. The four main screens were addressed; the Initial Data Load had provided all of the employee information required for a solid start to the implementation. The focus then became the Position Master and building Training Plans. “The system is amazing; it is so easy to set people up, getting the standard data in and then adding the training is so simple,” Suzanne remarked.
The tracking of training being the focus for Highview, Suzanne found the Training Plans quite helpful. Training Plans are a standard feature in info:HR. They provide the ability to generate Follow-Ups for required training automatically for all employees based on required/legislated courses by position, with the ability to supplement and individual’s training plan by manually adding courses. The ability to set up a list of courses and assign required courses to a position allows Suzanne to simply enter training records as they are taken by each employee. Reminders are sent when new training is due. Suzanne can confidently at any time assess the training status of any employee and follow up if necessary. “With all of the new regulations in our industry infor:HR will be vital. We can run reports very quickly to ensure we are compliant with Retirement Home Regulatory Authority and Ontario Retirement Communities Association requirements,” Suzanne commented.
Suzanne is managing employees in two organizations, and will have on-boarded a third organization by the end of 2017. All organizations can be reported on separately in info:HR and Suzanne believes this feature will make reporting to the appropriate stakeholders quite simple. At this time training is the strong focus; however, Suzanne has been exploring the system and is finding new features. “Every time I log in I see new things to use,” Suzanne said. “We are using the Performance Screen and Employee Flags to manage so many things for us now; we are looking at other areas of the system and have begun using the Leave process.”
When asked what she thought was the most valuable feature for her organization Suzanne replied, “The reporting is so helpful. I can run reports on new hires and terminations on a monthly basis, and of course our continuing education reporting, knowing who requires what training and when they will need it.”
Suzanne is looking forward to continuing to expand her use of info:HR with the new organization coming on board – she believes info:HR will be even more valuable to her as the organization grows.